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Preventing Sexual Harassment at Work

EHRC publishes templates to help employers with preventing sexual harassment at work...

Alongside their updated technical guidance on sexual harassment and 8-step guide for employers, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has published templates to help employers with compliance with the new positive duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

These templates comprise a checklist, action plan and monitoring log. The EHRC states that the templates aim to complement existing HR policies and help employers to take action to protect their organisation and workers. 

The checklist was developed for the hospitality industry but can, the EHRC suggests, be re-purposed for other sectors. It is couched in terms of actions before, at the start of, and at the end of a shift. It includes specific consideration of third-party harassment risk.

The action plan sets out proposals for incorporating the checklist into the organisation’s wider policies and procedures. Monitoring logs are to be used to monitor how the checklist and action plan are being used. An in-depth quarterly log is recommended to assess the effectiveness of the checklist and any action taken.

The three templates can all be accessed here. 

If any of these issues have affected you or your business and you wish to seek advice, please contact CSJ Legal here.

November 2024 

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